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The Screenwriter’s Bible

7th Edition

“I’ve read one and a half books on screenwriting. The one was The Screenwriter’s Bible—very practical. Love that book. I’ve kept it near my desk since high school and I still go back to it.” --Travis Beacham, Screenwriter, Pacific Rim, Clash of the Titans, Dog Days of Summer

The Screenwriter's Bible is a complete screenwriting toolbox jammed with easy-to-grasp tools for your writing, formatting, and selling pleasure. It includes useful worksheets, sound marketing advice, sample scenes and treatment, and much more. Endorsed by working writers, agents, and producers, The Screenwriter's Bible is actually five books in one:
  • A screenwriting how-to
  • A step-by-step workbook
  • The industry-standard formatting guide
  • A spec writing guide
  • A marketing plan for today's market
  • Plus a thorough index

Over 300,000 copies sold

Agents and other Hollywood insiders recommend it.  And Writers recommend it.  

Screenwriter Darcy Miller shares the following advice: "My agent said, ‘You should definitely buy Dave Trottier’s book because that’s what everyone in L.A. goes by now.’"

Order Your Autographed Copy Today

Here's what the seventh edition contains:

• An updated marketing section that includes ways to get “discovered” in today’s crowded market.

• Do query letters work? The seventh edition provides specific up-to-date marketing advice. There are more effective ways to get read and get assignments than sending query letters to agents—the seventh edition explains.

• The latest in proper screenplay format. This section has been completely updated and expanded by "Dr. Format" himself with additional examples of virtually every conceivable formatting situation. Shows correct format plus how to apply it.

• Timely new advice on creating and delivering pitches, and writing pitch letters.

• An expanded marketing section that has been reorganized into a user-friendly step-by-step process that you can use to sell your screenplay.

• The spec formatting guide recommended by agents and producers.

• Plenty of worksheets with detailed instructions that will guide you in creating a laser-sharp strategic marketing plan.

• More than 50 pages of sample scenes written in proper format, and a complete analysis of each.

• New writing and revising tips, such as how to design powerful endings, write action, and how to emotionally involve your reader/audience with your characters.

• Includes over a half-dozen writing and revising exercises with suggested revisions to help you excel in your writing craft.

• More on character development and dialogue writing that will help make your characters compelling and clear.

• A sample treatment, a Hollywood coverage, and a sample release form.

• Hundreds of writing tips, examples, and illustrations that you can apply right now to your own writing or script marketing project.

Completely up-to-date and completely reliable


The Screenwriter's Bible—your authoritative source

The Screenwriter’s Bible--Complete Guide to Writing, Formatting, and Selling Your Script. SEVENTH EDITION. By David Trottier. 462 pages. Retail $26.95. Your price only $21.95.