Ask Dr. Format By David Trottier Bold and Courageous Headings QUESTION ANSWER In the meantime, I suggest you stick with the regular scene heading style unless a different style is specifically requested, or you have fallen in love with it and feel courageous. There is a second issue at play here; if you bold master scene headings; what do you do with secondary scene headings? For example: INT. JOE'S HOUSE - DAY KITCHEN where he opens the fridge and grabs a beer. He moves quickly into THE HALLWAY where he stumbles over a body on the floor. Do you bold and underline KITCHEN and HALLWAY, too? Why complicate things? Unless a new style takes the industry by storm, focus on what you are writing. MORPHING MORTIMER QUESTION ANSWER INT. THEATER - NIGHT The theater is packed with fans. MORTIMER struts across the stage playing his harmonica. He MORPHS into.... EXT. KANSAS CITY BACK ALLEY - DAY ... YOUNG MORTIMER (15) playing the same tune on his harmonica. SUPER: "KANSAS CITY 1983" Keep writing!