Query Letter Evaluation

To sell your script, you need a concise, focused, and hard-hitting query or one-sheet that provokes a response.

A written pitch
Your query letter or one-sheet is your prime "break-in" tool, and you should spend a lot of time crafting it. Agents and producers will not read your work until they have first read your written pitch or heard your oral pitch. Now you can get my thorough evaluation of your one-page query or one-sheet, my assessment of its marketing potential, and my recommendations for its revision.

How to get your query evaluated
your one-page query letter or one-sheet to me and use my secure server to pay the fee by clicking the first "Add to Cart" below. Include in your email the specific purpose of your query letter or one-sheet. Example: Get an editor to give me a "go-ahead," or get an agent to ask for my script or book proposal. Include any other relevant information. Fee: $115. Turn around: 2-3 weeks.

Announcement from Dave Trottier

If you are a subscriber to my ViewsLetter and are on my email list, you qualify for a $10 discount!

Announcement from Dave Trottier

If you wish to mail your query to me with a check, send it to Dave Trottier, 4456 Manchester St., Cedar Hills, UT 84062.