Craft a Compelling Screen Story

What people are saying about my courses

Create your marketable movie idea and get started on that first draft! This online mentoring course takes you step-by-step through the script development process from concept to a compelling screen story.

You will begin with the story idea or premise you have always wanted to write, or you can create three fresh ideas from scratch to choose from. From there, you will develop a solid story structure from which to write your first draft. As your mentor, I will evaluate your story ideas, story structure, narrative description (action), and five pages of your work.

Your goal in this class is to lay down that all-important sound foundation for your showcase screenplay, using proven creative and script development techniques and principles. You will receive guidance at every step, and all of your questions will be answered.


Week 1 -- Concept and ideas; how movie stories work
Week 2 -- Plot and structure, situation and conflict, create powerful endings
Week 3 -- Narrative description, scenes, and other screenwriting fundamentals

Our class begins on April 3, 2025.

This course leads naturally to Create Fascinating Characters and Write Engaging Dialogue.


Our online forums are asynchronous. That means we don't meet at a specific time, but you can "attend" class anytime it's convenient 24/7. Learn at your convenience and schedule.

You will have access to the class forums, course materials, and resources for two weeks after the end date of the workshop


Assignments may be submitted early or late or not at all; you can work at your own pace. Here is a list of homework assignments:

Week 1 -- Submit up to three story ideas
Week 2 -- Outline your story and your key plot points
Week 3 -- Write two or more scenes of four-five pages total


Dave Trottier has sold or optioned ten screenplays (three produced) and helped hundreds of writers break into the writing business. He is in-demand script consultant, award-winning teacher, and author of The Screenwriter's Bible and seven other books More.


My evaluation of your homework assignments would normally cost you about $200. The cost of this course is only $145, so take advantage of me and register!

See what screenwriters are saying about my courses.


Registration Fee: Only $145. For you only $125

The course begins on April 3 and ends April 23, 2025. Specific instructions and your password will be emailed to you after you register.


If you can't take the course on the date offered and want to take it now, register for the course and request "individualized version" on the order form or via email. You will receive the same individualized attention and weekly class materials as in the classroom version, but you will not have access to the posts of other writers and myself that would normally appear in the interactive classroom forums. Email me with any questions.

Required reading for both versions of the course: – The Screenwriter's Bible, 7th Edition

Email me with any questions about the course.